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With all the greed, cockiness and false ambition poluting the lands of Newerth, Humility is a trait not a lot of people value anymore. Be one of only a few heroes to bring new glory to that lost virtue and showcase your Humility in victory and humbleness in defeat.

Event Structure

-Runtime: March 22nd, 2025 to March 23rd, 2025.

-Entry Limit: 128.

-5 v 5 (Teamplay, 5 players per team).

-Map: Midwars

-Single Elimination.

-Best of 3 Rounds

-Game Mode: Banning Pick

Seven Virtues

The Seven Virtues is a series of tournaments that range from Midwars to Banning Draft, having a different mode for each hosted event, with 12,000 GC total prizepool and respective Seven Virtues avatars for the top 2 teams.

General Information

Sign ups deadline
Friday, March 21st @ 13:00 EDT | 18:00 CET or until 128 sign ups are reached. Brackets are made after this.

New Lobby times
• First round: lobby has default value -30/+30min (12:30 EDT - 13:30 EDT)
• Subsequent rounds: are scheduled 20min earlier, thus lobby is -50/+10min from Round time (eg. RO 64 lobby closes at 14:10 EDT) | Subsequent rounds may be postponed until most matches from previous round end.


Saturday, March 22 - BO1
RO 128 — Canceled due to 36 sign ups
RO 64 — 13:00 EDT | 18:00 CET
RO 32 — 14:00 EDT | 19:00 CET
RO 16 — 15:00 EDT | 20:00 CET
RO 8 — 16:00 EDT | 21:00 CET

* If there's less than 128 sign ups the tournament will start with the first (partially) filled round on Saturday, March 22 - 13:00 EDT | 18:00 CET. Empty rounds will be cancelled.
* Read New Lobby Times.

Sunday, March 23 - BO3
RO 4 — 13:00 EDT | 18:00 CET
Grand Finals & 3rd Place Match — 16:00 EDT | 21:00 CET


Prizepool: 10x Ultimate Maliken and 12,000 Gold Coins

1st Place: 5x Ultimate Maliken and 6,000 Gold Coins
2nd Place: 5x Ultimate Maliken and 3,000 Gold Coins
3rd Place: 2,000 Gold Coins
4th Place: 1,000 Gold Coins

Prize Notes:
Prizes will be sent out the week following the tournament.
Contact inklin (via whisper or PM) with details on the following:
*Players that have already purchased Ultimate Maliken in order to be refunded in Gold Coins.
*Players who wish to give away their share of the prize to another player.
*IF more than 5 players participated for teams that placed 1st - 4th, team captains need to provide details on how the prize will be split between the members.

Last Updated 11 / 30 / 2025

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