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This is the Bronze Event US, with its schedule focusing on US timezone, an unlimited number of teams can compete for 1,600$ every Cycle.
-Runtime: January 05th, 2025 to January 13th, 2025.
-Entry Limit: 512.
-5 v 5 (Teamplay, 5 players per team).
-Single Elimination.
-Best of 3 Rounds
-Points and Prizing
-Matches will be held Saturday and Sundays at 15:00 EST / 21:00 CET and 18:30 EST / 00:30 CET.
-Game Mode: Lock Pick, 5 v 5, Forests of Caldavar.
-Based on the region you selected when creating a Hon Tour team, the system automatically chooses a server
based on your opponent's region and randomly assigns you to Legion or Hellbourne. Sides are rotated after
every game.
-In case of an in-game dispute, pause the game and contact a match admin.
-In the case that both teams cannot agree on a decision or an admin is not available, the remainder of the match
will be played out and the teams can submit the replay match ID for an admin to review/appeal afterward.
-Teams are allowed to remake the game if a remake vote succeeds.
Please make sure to check out the entire list of rules before entering.
Last Updated 11 / 30 / 2025
Team Name Tag Points
Eunis 5[euni]300 pts
Gandalf United[GU]265 pts
Emma Stone is[EMA]240 pts
Going extra large[gxL]150 pts
hi[hi]200 pts
Hammers of Hammerfel[HaMR]175 pts
RiceRiceBaby[LICE]135 pts
Deadly Sushi[DeSu]120 pts
Alpaca Smash[AooN]165 pts
What Gaming[WHAT]150 pts
Weve Been Had[BEEN]120 pts
Spartan Sardines[SPRT]90 pts
Y O L OO GAMERS[AusG]65 pts
Dargon Gaming[Darg]50 pts
Mqs Carry Squad[GiVe]25 pts
Google it[GGit]102 pts
Volume Hooks[UHF]92 pts
Esper[eSpr]76 pts
Hired By S2[HIRE]76 pts
We Have Asianz[WHAZ]46 pts
Get Big Small Son[GB2S]41 pts
NineNiftyNeko[NNN]23 pts
5 Noobs[LNEX]22 pts
Teen Girl Squad[grrl]35 pts
Imperative Gaming[ImpG]25 pts
Zo under powered[ZuP]25 pts
N3RD H3RD[H3RD]25 pts
Bella Morte[xBM]80 pts
Clan LSBN 2[LBN2]60 pts
Struggle Bus[STRG]55 pts
Making you mad[MaYM]51 pts
Potcoava Social Game[P5G]45 pts
sLUSH cONST[sLcO]31 pts
W0MB0 C0MB0[WBCB]25 pts
SevenOhFive[705]16 pts
Team of Sad Phils[TSP]10 pts
We Eat Small Rocks[WESR]17 pts
Wolf Pack[WOLF]6 pts
ghetto109[109]1 pts
Very Average Plays[VAP]15 pts
HOP Official eSports[HOES]5 pts
The Dark Legion[TDL]0 pts
Es Tu Desole[Es2d]0 pts
Pandas[P3]10 pts
Throbbing manhood[TBM]0 pts
Redeye Jedi Knights[RJK]10 pts
SilverBullet[SvB]10 pts