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During the Bronze Event EU, an unlimited number of teams can compete for 1,600$ every Cycle, while the schedule is tailored for EU timezone.
-Runtime: February 01st, 2024 to February 10th, 2024.
-Entry Limit: 512.
-5 v 5 (Teamplay, 5 players per team).
-Single Elimination.
-Best of 3 Rounds
-Points and Prizing
-Matches will be held Saturday and Sundays at 09:00 EST / 15:00 CET and 12:30 EST / 18:30 CET.
-Game Mode: Lock Pick, 5 v 5, Forests of Caldavar.
-Based on the region you selected when creating a Hon Tour team, the system automatically chooses a server
based on your opponent's region and randomly assigns you to Legion or Hellbourne. Sides are rotated after
every game.
-In case of an in-game dispute, pause the game and contact a match admin.
-In the case that both teams cannot agree on a decision or an admin is not available, the remainder of the match
will be played out and the teams can submit the replay match ID for an admin to review/appeal afterward.
-Teams are allowed to remake the game if a remake vote succeeds.
Please make sure to check out the entire list of rules before entering.
Last Updated 11 / 30 / 2024
Team Name Tag Points
Vandrarna[E18]345 pts
kilers in hon and rh[KILE]320 pts
Midget Mafia v3[MMv3]175 pts
Too Retarded[2RdD]150 pts
Dishonored[xDis]110 pts
Cro Plan[CP]90 pts
Novi Pirat[Novi]75 pts
50 Shades of gay[50]71 pts
Vodkagaming[Ryss]50 pts
Baguette[CBag]37 pts
Bara tur[17]30 pts
Gandalf pee on You[GpoY]25 pts
Rhinos From Jupiter[RFJ]11 pts
Bifrost[Bifr]6 pts
Acting on Instinct[Aol]6 pts
Three 6 Mafia[T6MA]1 pts
Pro Gamer of Destiny[PGOD]0 pts
Feeding is our[Fion]0 pts
This is a Team[TiM]0 pts
moraNs[mrNs]0 pts
141[141]0 pts
Hashtag It[HTaG]0 pts
SideStepSaiyans[SSSJ]0 pts
Snake Vendor[snkv]0 pts
Little Pink Unicorns[LPU]170 pts
default[dasd]155 pts
BicuriousHoneyBadger[BiCu]95 pts
Friday[Fday]66 pts
Gfusion[Gnet]65 pts
DawnBringers[BotD]61 pts
uneXpected Gaming[uXG]60 pts
DBOP[DBOP]40 pts
Okama Way[OKMA]25 pts
Aalborg eSports[AaeS]12 pts
2TT2[2TT2]11 pts
TheMasterbaiters[TM]10 pts
thedeatheaters[TdE1]5 pts
LiL MaMa iM SORRY[LiLM]1 pts
Had To Be There[HtBt]1 pts
QsQ 666[iQsQ]0 pts
Rubber Duck[RUBY]0 pts
Lanpojat ESsport[ESLP]0 pts
Team Implying[TI89]0 pts
Project Infinitum 69[iNF]0 pts
Arena Online eSports[AOeS]0 pts
Reality kings[Rlty]0 pts
Tackar Tackar[Tack]0 pts
We Are So Bad[WAsB]0 pts
Blackspot[BSP]0 pts
pLan Genocide[pLan]0 pts
Cold Fingers Gaming[CFG]0 pts
Clan One Day[1Day]280 pts
a Touch of Class[AToC]150 pts
Just Bufa It[JBuf]106 pts
UniBear[UniB]90 pts
Testie Fan Club[ATFC]80 pts
Houkago Tea Time[HTT]75 pts
Peep show[Peep]66 pts
Whisper eSports[WeS]65 pts
Very Average Plays[VAP]65 pts
Nintendo 64 fans[n6fo]65 pts
Carried by Martin [CbM]65 pts
Making you mad[MaYM]61 pts
SavageFuckingVikings[SFVG]60 pts
Tibia for life[T4L]56 pts
YOLO420[Y420]42 pts
Grow uP Gaming[uP]40 pts
Dirty Sick BastardZ[dSb]31 pts
Zo under powered[ZuP]26 pts
Smaksak and Sons[Smsk]22 pts
Silence I kill u[SIKu]20 pts
Unqualified[unQ]16 pts
BlackRainbowCatz[Blaz]11 pts
Sit Back And Relax[SBaR]10 pts
Dedicated ones[DDO]8 pts
SwagMcDad[SWAG]7 pts
Hashtag Esports[Hone]6 pts
Analisdochsuper[AID5]5 pts
NoFear[NF]3 pts
Encore Gaming[EnGa]3 pts
Y U NO WARD[YuNO]2 pts
Hrvatska[1HR1]1 pts
Green Lantern[GLA]1 pts
BobRoss[BoBR]1 pts
Toarps Trollers[TTer]0 pts
FuckAina[FUKK]0 pts
BadBoyz97[BADB]0 pts
Cheese[C7H]0 pts
Edinaya Rossiya[ER]0 pts
play For Win[pLW]0 pts
Call The Lawyer[C4LL]0 pts