Last Sunday QsQ won 2-0 over Experience Gaming, shutting them out completely. Game two of the match brought up some interesting picks by Q Squad, but the most out-of-the-box pick was [QsQ]Style with Monkey King. This even shocked BreakyCPK, who pointed out how interesting the game would be.

Q Squad is known for using the “go-to” strategies, but even against a mass pushing team they changed it up. They decided to run with the Monkey King pick, Aluna, Moon Queen, Tempest, and Bubbles to round it out:

The risky choice really paid off for [QsQ]Style, and at the 1:30 mark the Monkey King massacre began. Within a seven-and-a-half minute stretch Monkey King laid a smackdown on ExP, getting an amazing four kills and three assists in the middle lane.

Most of his kills were solo against [ExP]Noez`, who was playing as Defiler, showing Monkey King's massive slaughter power. His Dash made it impossible for Defiler to get away or even know when Monkey King was going to attack. His last kill against his mid-lane opponent was a complete surprise as he rushed from deep within the forest, a third of the way up the lane, with all towers still intact.

The Experience and GPM gained by the bloodbath put Monkey King miles ahead of ExP's heroes and brought his team to a lead of 8 kills to 1. Though Monkey King is not a normal pick for competitive HoN, he proved in this match that paired up with the right player he can devastate his opponents and lead his team to a win. QsQ is moving to the Diamond Division to face Tt eSports, and they will definitely be a team to watch in matches to come.

Style’s Monkey King Highlights

Kill 1
Kill 2
Kill 3
Assist 1
Assist 2
Assist 3
Kill 4

- LBHackEmUp