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Coverage provided by:

Coverage for competitive HoN is very important to the HoN Tour team and ensuring that matches are available for viewing is one of our highest priorities. The HoN Community Casters are here to supplement official casting teams in providing high-quality coverage of these events.
With so many matches and events constantly taking place, this is your chance to get involved in eSports and casting!
We are now accepting applications for Community Casters to provide coverage for Hontour.com events.
Community Casters will help to generate additional content for the HoN community, and select casts will be promoted on Honcast and Heroes of Newerth social media, helping casters to grow their following.
Basic requirements for Community Casters:
• Have a streaming channel (ideally Twitch.TV) with at least 100 followers
• Have experience in the competitive HoN scene either as a player or avid follower
• The availability and commitment to cast HoN matches frequently and consistently.
• Be passionate and enjoy HoN!
If you meet these requirements and are looking to get involved, fill out the application below and become a HoN Community Caster today!
We will do our best to have a response within the week pending on the amount of requests we receive.