By RoLanD
Another awesome Sunday, what would be a better way to get your rest than following HoN Tour! Both these teams have made it to Losers Brackets Finals, so before anything else, big congratulations to both [coL]compLexityGaming and [VOTE]Gary Johnson 2025 ! Whoever wins tonight, gets the chance to play versus [tdM]Trademark eSports in the Grand Finals!
Note: I’ll be using sG - new name of V0TE - in this article to represent Gary Johnson 2025
Game 1:
First game, sG will start as Legion and coL will start as Hellbourne. Let’s see if coL has what it takes to play the finals, versus the new powerhouse sG with the newest addition ofsLiCKz.
Legion Bans: Plague Rider, Tundra (Blind Bans), Moraxus, Glacius, Silhouette
Hellbourne Bans: Fayde, Parasite (Blind Bans), Moon Queen, Zephyr, Wildsoul
Legion Locks: Ophelia, Demented Shaman, Magmus
Hellbourne Locks: Tempest, Keeper of the Forest, Balphagore
bkid on Hammerstorm
Franzzii on Aluna
MoonMeander on Keeper of the Forest
Chessie on Tempest
Haxxeren on Wretched Hag
swindlemelonzz on Pebbles
Zfreek on Ophelia
Skyzoe on Engineer
KheZu on Tremble
sLiCKz on Magmus
The lanes for this game is as following;
Wretched Hag .vs. Pebbles & Engineer mid lane
Hammerstorm & Aluna .vs. Tremble top lane
Tempest in Hellbourne jungle assisting top lane.
Ophelia in Legion jungle assisting bottom lane.
Solo Magmus vs Solo Keeper of the Forest bottom lane.
* Good luck to both teams!
* Game starts of really action filled, sG is playing really aggressive mid versus Haxxeren on Hag.
* Almost 3rd Minute, agression worked out well for sG! They take firstblood on Hag middle lane, Swindlemelonzz on Pebbles is off to a good start!
* Khezu on Tremble is having a hard time top lane, 2 creep kills in 4 minutes as expected versus Hammer, Aluna and Ophelia pseudo-trilane. Checking the bottom lane, Moonmeander on Keeper is winning versus sliCkz on Magmus both in experience in creep kills so far.
* Another kill attempt on Hag from sG in Middle lane with Pebbles and Engineer, and they succeed! 2 to 0 in hero kills in favor of sG right now! Not a start coL is used to!
* Chessie is off to a decent start with the top farm in the game after Pebbles, finishing his ring and right after off to top lane to push the top tower. Tremble is in a tough spot!
* In the meanwhile, sG makes a move bottom lane, pushes the tower as coL takes theirs, and ecures a kill on Moonmeander playing that KotF!
* coL keeps pushing top tower, with Tempest, Hammer and Aluna. Bkid playing that Hammerstorm has finished his Alchemist Bones and Red boots at the moment. coL fails to successfully push the bottom tower, sG ports and gets the deny on it as well as a kill on Aluna after a semi team fight. Good job by them!
* As Engineer roams bottom to assist Magmus, Moonmeander does not care. He plays really agressive and gets the bottom tier 1 tower. There is now 1k gold advantage in favor of coL.
* 10 minutes in, still a 4-0 hero kills in favor of sG. Pebbles has finished his steamboots, bottle and power supply farming for his Portal Key. HammerStorm has the top farm in the game.
* sG decides to push the middle lane, with Ophelia, Pebbles and Engineer after getting a successful kill on Hag, they also got the tower. The gold advantage shifted in favor of sG right now!
* Chessie almost has his Portal Key, where as Haxxeren is off to a relatively bad start, sitting on 0-3-0 score.
* sG groups up bottom lane with 5 players, securing a kill on Moonmeander with the help of dust, and then gets coL’s tier 2 tower. Right after they’re off to clear the ancients and back off. Very careful but agressive plays from sG so far. There is now a 3k gold, and almost 1.5k experience advantage in favor of sG.
* After those tower kills, Pebbles finishes his Portal Key, it is also safe to say Tremble has recovered pretty well, while Magmus also bought a Portal key. Things have just become more scary for coL right now!
* sG now grouped up top lane, 2 portal keys on their team by 13th Minute. That’s crazy! Tempest has also purchased his portal key.
* After grouping up top, sG pushes coL’s tier 1 top tower without even having to face some kind of defending. coL keeps farming, and they stay passive.
* 15 Minutes in, still 0 kills from Complexity Gaming, where as sG has 6 kills. The gold advantage on sG is now 2.5k and experience lead is almost zero.
* Khezu on Tremble picks up a Helm of the Legion, great performance from a player who was off to a horrible start, playing suicide lane.
* Wow! sG being so aggressive, now having 4k Gold advantage and 3k experience lead by 18th minute, and 9-0 hero kill lead. They have also killed tier 2 top tower of coL, again without them defending.
* The lead becomes really immense, Hammerstorm has finished his Shrunken Head, while Tremble finishes his Sols Bulwark.
* Big teamfight happens middle lane, near tier 2 tower, Swindlemelonzz on Pebbles initiates a bit early, amazing ulti from Tempest and compLexity succeeds to kill 4 of sG giving no fallen heroes. The hero kills has just become 9-4. Amazing team synergy from coL, showing that they are still in this game and ready to go!
* sG keeps staying grouped up, forcing Kongor. Tremble solos Kongor at the moment, but coL knows. A great initiation from sliCkz on Magmus, securing a kill on Aluna. Every other hero on coL falls back. Pebbles dies and buys back right after. I have no idea how no one dies with many ulties and teamfights, sG will only lose Ophelia at the end of that fight. Tremble tries getting Kongor once again. Kong is below half HP, a teamfight can decide the faith of the Kongor.
* Both teams kind of stay near Kongor pit and do nothing at the moment. sG insists on going for Kongor but it does not seem possible versus coL, especially with that Tempest having that ulti off cool down.
* Almost 8 minutes, spent near Kongr pit. Both teams are kind of doing nothing at the moment, which slowed the game’s tension a bit. coL is off to farming, while sG STILL stays near it doing nothing with 3 heroes at the moment... They finally gave up on that idea.
* Complexity has no more outer towers left, making it harder to defend Kongor. sG has no outer tower left top lane, one tier 2 tower left bottom lane, and all towers left on middle lane.
* 30th minute, experience lead has become almost 4k in favor of coL right now and gold lead is now zero. coL is recovering. Hammerstorm purchased a Portal Key, Ophelia has now finished his Shamans Headdress and Tempest has now his Shrunken Head.
* sG trying to get Kongor again, I can’t believe how much time, farm and experience they miss waiting near that pit. Due to that, Magmus, Tremble, and Pebbles is now underleveled by 2-3 levels by Hammerstorm.
* Teamfight finally happens middle lane, AMAZING ultimate from Chessie on Tempest, on top of that Hag and Keeper ulti. coL officially genocides sG. Now coL is getting the Kongor.
* After coL .vs. LIONS game, coL is making another big comeback this game. 9k experience and 5k Gold lead. Just amazing..
* It is really interesting how much time sG wasted on that Kongor attempt,probably the reason they are losing the game now after a wonderful start. coL now grouped up bottom lane, pushing tier 2 tower.
* Another teamfight happens, and yet another AWESOME ultimate from Tempest, winning his team that teamfight!
* Concede vote is colled, GGWPs are coming out.
→ Wow what a game! Amazing start from sG, but few doubtful decisions from sG and of course amazing team synergy, and ultimates from Chessie playing that Tempest secures compLexity the first game. Game 2 is next, if coL wins this, they are off to play the finals versus their main rival, tdM.
MATCH ID: 106421954
Game 2:
This time sG will be on the Hellbourne side and coL will be on the Legion side.
Legion Bans: Fayde, Parasite (Blind Ban)
Hellbourne Bans: Keeper of the Forest, Wildsoul (Blind Ban)
Legion Locks: Bubbles, Wretched Hag, Plague Rider
Hellbourne Locks: Ophelia, Tempest, Shadowblade
bkid on Pebbles
Franzzii on Glacius
MoonMeander on Bubbles
Chessie on Ophelia
Haxxeren on Draconis
swindlemelonzz on Pharaoh
Zfreek on Tempest
Skyzoe on Aluna
KheZu on Plague Rider
sLiCKz on Moon Queen
* Phew!!!! sG kills the Kongor, only 10 second after creeps spawned. Amazing start.
Lanes are;
Pebbles .vs. Pharaoh middle lane.
Bubbles .vs. Moon Queen & Aluna top lane .
Tempest jungling in Hellbourne jungle assisting top lane.
Ophelia jungling in Legion woods assisting bottom lane.
Draconis .vs. Plague Rider bottom lane.
Glacius roaming between middle and bottom lane.
* sG starts off really agressive once again. Getting a kill on Ophelia, played by Chessie with the help of Pharaoh roaming from Mid.
* To react to sG’s firstblood, Glacius roams to bottom lane, securing a kill on Plague Rider for Draconis. Haxxeren is off to a great start, top farmer in the game right after Moon Queen dominating top lane.
* As soon as Tempest reaches level 6, he comes to top lane, pushing tier 1 tower. sG is now leading in both gold and experience by 3k.
* Moon Queen dives tier 2 tower, and kills Moonmeander on Bubbles with his ulti! Wow!
* 8 minutes in, Pharaoh ports bottom lane and ulti’s Draconis, with the help of Plague Rider, it’s an easy kill for sG.
* sG now groups us mid and tries to push coL’s tier 1 tower, however this time coL isn't giving it up without a fight. Teamfight happens, but ultimate from Moon Queen is just too much for coL to handle at the moment, sG comes on top and gets the tower kill.
* 12th minute and 2 kongors already by sG. This time token goes on Moon Queen. MQ has already steamboots and a Whispering Helm, sitting on 80 creep kills. Right now, sG has 10k gold and 8k experience lead. Things don’t look good for coL.
* Pharoah, Plague and Aluna catches bkid on Pebbles off guard, picking him off easily, while sG pushes tier 1 tower bottom lane. It isn’t enough for sG, they also take tier 2 tower!
* coL is underfarmed and underleveled by a lot at the moment. Let’s see if they can comeback from this too.
*** So much action this game, it is kind of hard to explain in written form. Sorry if I’m missing stuff!
* bkid on Pebbles is alone on mid again! sG takes advantage of his mistake, kills him and now pushing middle tier 2 tower. Moon Queen finishes his Firebrand by 16th minute, sitting on 2-0-3 score. Draconis has bought sustainer, but decided to go for Shrunken first, buying that Mighty Blade. Pebbles still does not have his Portal Key, sitting on 0-4-1 score. Pharoah also finishes Barbed Armos
* sG with Pharoah roams Legion woods, sniping a kill on Draconis, and then all of coL, except Glacius. Things are looking extremely well for sG right now, 18k gold and 16k experience lead. THOSE NUMBERS!
* sG gets another kill on Glacius while they roam coL’s woods. They keep pushing, every hero on coL literally melts down at the moment, versus that Moon Queen who just finished Shrunken Head. Is there a way for coL to comeback from this?
* 23 minutes in, 3rd Kongor kill by sG, again token on Moon Queen and bananas on Pharoah. They are now trying to push coL’s base. MQ has finished his Geometer’s Bane in the meanwhile.
* Moon Queen is doing his thing, pushing the base really fast. Nothing coL can do about it. Concede vote comes out and it looks like sG has won the second game.
Third game will be the decider, surprisingly enough coL drops a game versus the new powerhouse sG who has been shaky lately, but today they have shown that they what it takes by getting a really safe game from coL.
MATCH ID:[/B] 106425884
Game 3:
coL is Hellbourne and sG is Legion again in the third game. Let’s see which team will get the chance to play versus Trademark eSports to win Diamond Division Cycle 1 !
Legion Bans: Zephyr, Ophelia (Blind Bans), Moraxus, Tundra, Bubbles
Hellbourne Bans: Fayde, Parasite (Blind Bans), Moon Queen, Silhouette, Pebbles
Legion Locks: Tempest, Plague Rider, Wildsoul, War Beast,
Hellbourne Locks: Keeper of the Forest, Demented Shaman,
bkid on Hammerstorm
Franzzii on Engineer
MoonMeander on Wildsoul
Chessie on Tempest
Haxxeren on Wretched Hag
swindlemelonzz on Deadwood
Zfreek on Keeper of the Forest
Skyzoe on Aluna
KheZu on Balphagore
sLiCKz on Plague Rider
The lanes for the 3rd and final game are;
Deadwood .vs. Hammerstorm & Engineer middle lane.
Plague Rider .vs. Wretched Hag top lane.
Balphagore .vs. Wildsoul bottom lane.
Tempest jungling hellbourne woods to assist top lane.
Keeper of the Forest jungling legion woods to assist bottom lane.
* Game started off slow. 2 minutes no action yet. Aluna gets an invis rune and roams to bottom, trying a kill on Wildsoul, however he escapes with 30 HP. HOLY!
* 4th Minute, after Haxxeren’s relatively bad Hag game, he now gets the firstblood on Plague Rider played by sliCkz.
* sG again being very agressive, pushes tier 1 tower with Balphagore, Keeper and Aluna pretty fast. Immense pushing power right there.
* They are going for tier 2 tower, it’s almost half hp in just matter of seconds, what the hell! They do take tier 2 tower too, however coL ports in, trying to defend. Keeper ulti goes off, Aluna dies from sG whereas Tempest dies from coL. A good trade for sG if you ask me.
* At the moment, 9 minutes, sG does not have outer towers and coL does not have outer towers in their bottom lane. sG keeps pushing, getting tier 1 middle tower, now going for tier 2. This game again, is all-in push strat.
* 10 Minutes, Haxxeren on Hag has steamboots and first part of Hellflower purchased, where as Balphagore has his Shamans. No other big items are bought.
* As sG pushes tier 2 tower, coL denies it successfully. sG backs off. It’s an action-filled game, in terms of tower kills however it has been slow on hero kills. Only 5 kills happened, 3 for coL and 2 for sG.
* Zfreek playing that Keeper of the Forest, finishes his Portal Key, as Moonmeander purchases the first part of his Mock Of Brilliance, and Plague Rider finishes his Astrolabe.
* sG picks off Haxxeren on Hag, and pushes tier 2 tower of coL in top lane. It is unbelievable how my towers were pushed so far.
* Both teams try to push towers, but they play so carefully, preventing team fights - not much to say at this point. Both are off to farm as they get the chance.
* sG tries to get the Kongor, it seems like coL is not going to react. BUT Kongor is going down so slow, sG gives up. They force a teamfight, Deadwood kills Hag, Haxxeren buys out right after, coL succeeds to push sG back.
* 18 minutes in, Moonmeander now has his Mock of Brilliance.
* 5 minutes passed, no kills or fights happened. Both teams are trying to farm at the moment. Balphagore finished his Sols Bulward and Barrier Idol. Hag has his Shrunken Head so did Hammerstorm. coL started to look strong at the moment, despite that they lost more towers than sG.
* sG tries Kongor again, coL is aware of what’s happening this time. Big teamfight happens, Hag melted so quickly, Tempest ulti still is not used. Hammerstorm gets picked off too. Right after that Tempest dives in and ultimates 3 players, with that Bear with Mock they have managed to kill 3 from sG. At the end, it was an equal fight for both teams. This game still can go both ways.
* Yet again, sG goes for Kongor. I cannot understand their addiction to the token. coL is looking for a chance to jump in, Bear with Mock went in, and it was enough to send sG back to their base.
* Teamfight happens, Big keeper ulti catching 4 players, Hammer focused Keeper, and actually Keeper is the only player who died. coL is now trying to finish off the Kongor sG damaged, and they do. Token goes on Hag played by Haxxeren.
* After that teamfight there is now 7k experience and 4k gold lead on Complexity Gaming. Things start to look much better for coL as hopes for sG fades away.
* bkid finishes his Portal Key, so does Swindlemelonzz on Deadwood. Deadwood is sitting on just Steamboots, and Portal Key; 32 minutes in. He’s not having his best game at the moment.
* Nothing really happens at the moment, both teams continue to farm. Late game on Hellbourne looks much much stronger, sG needs to do something about this ASAP if you ask me.
* 36 minutes in, Bkid finishes Elder Parasite, and Keeper of the Forest finishes his Refresher.
* sG grouped up middle lane, they are looking to push it, it’s going to be hard versus farmed coL at the moment. Teamfight starts, Hammerstorm is literally doing a 1v4 at the moment, his team started to follow him up, but they were so late, I have no idea how but sG comes on top, killing everyone on Hellbourne side except Wildsoul. Unbelievable!
* sG groups up mid, looking to do the same thing they did 2 minutes ago. Let’s see if coL will be able to position themselves better this time.
* Keeper ultimates, no one is inside, he uses refresher and does another relatively bad ultimate, and dies instantly after. sG decides to back off.
* 42 minutes in 12-11 kill score in favor of sG, but 6k gold and 10k experience lead in favor of coL.
* coL is the one trying Kongor this time. sG cannot react to it, and token goes to Hag played by Haxxeren once again.
* This time coL groups up and looks out to push middle lane. They decide not to after both teams uses some skills on each other.
* After few minutes of farming, coL groups up middle lane again. They damage tier 2 tower a bit but sG scares them off. As they are backing, Deadwood and Plague jumps in with their Portal Keys, Hammerstorm melts, and he buys out right after. Tempest uses ultimate, catching no one, but at the end, coL succeeds to kill 3 players from sG, amazing microing from Moonmeander, his bear is melting Legion side. This can be game.
* They pushed tier 2 tower, now looking to kill 3rd tower middle lane, and they do. Booboo too strong. coL backs off, great change in momentum in favor of coL
* The lead has become immense, 16k gold and 20k experience lead in favor of coL at the moment.
* sG groups up mid and now they are going to push, one mistake from either team can mean that they lost the game. Keeper and Deadwood got picked off by coL, they are now too much for sG to handle, hat trick for Bkid comes out, only Aluna is left alive on the Legion side. I don’t know if sG can come back from this one.
* Gold and experience lead started to become ridicilious between these two teams. coL is melting sG’s towers and barracks, sG cannot react to this. coL has officially killed top and middle barracks of the Legion side, still no concede vote is called. sG is trying their best.
* 52 minutes in, a Helm of the black Legion is purchased by the Plague Rider. Refresher is bought on tempest.
* coL is trying to push bottom lane now, DoubleDamage rune on Hammerstorm, Booboo is so farmed right now. coL looks like they are just way too farmed and leveled for sG to handle at the moment.
* Teamfight happens, amazing ultis from Plague, Keeper and Tempest, Tempest falls, but ANOTHER hat trick comes for bkid.
Concede vote is called from sG, GGWPs are called out. Complexity Gaming are the winners!
At the end of these 3 very close series, coL succeeds to come on top but stayGreen definitely showed that they will not go down without a fight. They are definitely a team to fear!
Been an awesome series, match IDs are provided at the end of each game - I strongly recommend to watch these games. Good luck to compLexity in their Diamond League Cycle 1 Grand Finals versus Trademark eSports.
- RoLanD
Very well played from both teams, really good coverage for those who didn't watch the game :)
Posted about 9 months ago
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