The Team

Ultraviolet Gaming, formerly known as Prestiqious, are one of the new teams out there eager to challenge the established teams in HoN Tour. But who are they and where do they come from?

UV-Gaming was formed by their Captain NDK and CreepBurned after they spent time in QsQ some months ago. Initially they wanted to join an existing team, but when they did not find any at their skill level, they decided to recruit a few more players from the forums and make their own team.

After a series of tryouts, bap and Fawh were welcomed into the team. Zefarmer, a friend of Fawh, joined as well, completing the team Prestiqious.

Finally ready to go, they jumped right into intensive scrimming, practicing and training to gain experience in drafting, laning and other important aspects of competitive play. They made their way through HoN Tour until they faced Isot Pelit, considered a favorite over Prestiqious.

But their training and teamwork paid off and they defeated iPel 2-0, giving Prestiqious a major boost in morale. They carried this momentum over to their next match against Dendis jungldevos, who they also defeated 2-0. The community began to take notice and even though they eventually lost to Tt eSports 0-2, they are still among the top teams in HoN Tour now.

Yesterday they were picked up by Ultraviolet Gaming, who has had a HoN team with well-known players in the past and wanted to have a good HoN team again. Thus Prestiqious are now known as Ultraviolet Gaming, which also solves the problem of writing and speaking their team name correctly.

The Players

NDK is the captain of the team. He does the drafting and plays the support role, as he considers it too important to have anyone else play it. In the past he was part of Fade Gaming, who participated in several events in 2025.

CreepBurned, the co-captain of UVG, is their go-to suicide player. Innovative and flexible, he can play one of the standard suicide heroes just as well as less conventional picks in this role.

According to NDK, their carry player, Fawh, is the reason they got this far. He is a farm machine, and even when things go really bad he is able to keep a steady and high gpm, no matter what.

Then there is bap, who can fit multiple roles and usually plays a second support but has also started to play as their jungler recently, depending on what is needed. If possible, he likes to play Engineer, and does so very well.

Finally we have Zefarmer, the last to join—yet a very important player—as he is the one to play mid. Be it with support from NDK or alone, he likes to play aggressively and tower dive early in the game, which often results in thrilling matches.

The Future

Ultraviolet Gaming is a fresh team, right from the heart of the community. They want to make a name for themselves in HoN Tour and hope to get into Diamond directly, but they are also willing to work hard wherever they end up. They admit that they still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but they are working hard and if they keep it up, they might surprise everyone.

UV Gaming will play against One Trick Pony this Thursday.

- Blaze