By RoLanD
You can view the current brackets here
Diamond League; November, 2nd:
The system worked flawlessly, and overall the first day ended without any problems in all brackets. There are a lot of people working behind the scenes to provide a good competitive environment for one of the biggest events in the history of HoN, huge shoutout and thanks to them.
Today was a good day for some teams, and it was a bad day for some teams, especially QsQ.
After a disappointing Dreamhack Winter 2025, people started to have question marks about the team, whether they have what it takes or not, if they are good enough to compete with the best teams or not. Today, was a proof that the concerns were well deserved. Fortune Bakery took QsQ, 2 to nothing with ease and sent them to Losers Brackets. There, they had to face Vitriolic Gaming. I personally thought that they were going straight down to Gold Division, however they showed us that they have what it takes to fight to keep their spot in Diamond Division, winning versus Vitriolic Gaming with a close score of 2-1. Let’s wrap this with NoVa’s Facebook status.
After getting to the lowest point in our short history of Q sQuad we had our turning point today. We lost both games against Fortune Bakery and the first one vs vitriolic. On the verge of screwing the first months of 2025 for us, everyone stepped up and turned everything around. The mood, the atmosphere and the gameplay. Eventually we won both remaining games fairly easily and escaped our fate - one of the best moments I've experienced so far. Please keep supporting it means a lot to us. QsQ fighting!!!-NoVa
Lions eSports, a team which is around for quite some time, losing their games 2-1 versus One Trick Pony, a newly formed powerhouse. Their games were close, there is not much to comment on this but to say, keep your eyes open for these guys, OTP is moving up the ladder really strong as I mentioned in my interview with them too, you can read it here.
Gary Johnson 2025 passed their round with bye, but they are definitely looking really strong with the new addition of sliCkz, sending Pikachu back to their Pokéball with a score of 2-0 in Round 2 with ease.
However, the victory of OTP did not last too long when they faced the winners of DHW’12 , tdM, in Round 2, dropping their games 2-0, and moving down to losers brackets. Let’s see if they got what it takes to fight their way back into the Winners Brackets, where the true champions rest.
Last but not least, compLexityGaming looking really strong once again, crushing their opponents Pencils, and Domain of Pain -who had a fairly easy victory over TteS- with ease. You can access the real-time summary of coL vs Domain of Pain here if you missed Honcast, or just want another brief review of the game.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day!
1) compLexityGaming .vs. Trademark eSports : Both teams have a sweet rivalry between them since forever, after the recent victory of tdM against coL, this will be a match to look out for! Will the long time undefeated Complexity Gaming be able to take Trademark eSports down, or will they lose again to the champions of DreamHack Winter 2025?
2) Tt eSports .vs. Pikachu : After the loss of sliCkz, will they be able to maintain their position in the competitive HoN? Same goes for Pikachu, they have lost couple of members and had roster changes, these 2 teams are both kind of shaky, and needs to get back into the shape. Let’s see who will be the survivor!
3) QsQ .vs. One Trick Pony : Two relatively new teams, both having potential and the achievements so far. Let’s see which one of these yet-to-become top team, will come on top getting one step closer to Winners Brackets. Both teams were looking very strong and it is very hard to say who will win!
- RoLanD
@watchoutpewp: Fixed the typo, thanks for letting me know. Wrote this at 3am after a very long day. Hope you enjoyed
Posted about 9 months ago
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