By RoLanD
Sunday, fun day, oh my God what a DAY !!
Before we start, I would like you to provide the links on written coverage of this weekend's games.
coL vs tdM Real-Time Match Summary
Diamond League: Review of Day 1, Saturday
coL vs DoP Real-Time Match Summary - Props to Ryfle for the awesome video!
Let’s have a quick look on the first weekend of Diamond League, in HoN Tour, one of the biggest events HoN has ever seen.
coL vs tdM: I think it is safe to say that today’s highlight was this game. More than the game itself, the rivalry, discussions and internet issues affected the series. I recommend you guys to check the replays, or if not at least read the chats via Chat Parser because what went between these two teams were some nasty stuff. tdM refused to reschedule their match versus coL, since coL refused once against tdM as well, and I’m sure you can all imagine the rest.
As for the games itself, Game 1 lasted around 100 minutes, with only 35 minutes of it being the actual game time due to internet issues. Game 2 was a fairly slow game. Game 3 however was a whole different story; both teams put their all into their pushing strategies, but tdM managed to come out on top, taking coL down for the second time after DreamHack Winter 2025
V0TE vs FbK: Gary Johnson 2025 with the addition of sliCkz looked really strong! They managed a victory versus Fortune Bakery, two to one, with fairly convincing games winning the chance to compete against Trademark eSports as they fight their way to the first spot!
Unfortunate day for Loser's Bracket:
Both TteS versus LION and QsQ versus PUDGE had to be rescheduled due to personal emergencies of certain players. Big shoutout to all of these for agreeing to reschedule the match, unlike some of the teams (Hint, hint!), showing good manners and sportmanship.
Tt eSports will take on LION eSports tomorrow, 03/12/2012, at 2pm EST (20 CET) and the winner will face compLexity Gaming.
QsQ will take on PUDGE on Tuesday, at 2:30 EST (20:30 CET) and the winner will face Fortune Bakery.
Keep tuned to and HoN for ultimate coverage!
- RoLanD
Keep it up Roland. Though, we're playing game 3 21:30 on tuesday. Other two games have already been played.
Posted about 9 months ago
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