Here are some updates on a few things regarding HoN Tour:
The Rules and FAQs have been updated on 17 December 2025, and the Rules were also updated on a previous date in November.
I recommend reading both of them fully again.
Corrected a few typos in December, while the November update has some significant changes:
December update:
3. HoN Tour Rules - 2.3. Ready Up and Game Start
3. HoN Tour Rules - 3.5. Remake (cleaned up minor relics)
3. HoN Tour Rules - 5. Forfeits (it now says 'within 30 minutes' instead of 'within 15 minutes')
November update:
2. HoN Tour Structure (rephrased the part about having to register for Bronze tournaments)
3. HoN Tour Rules - 1.1. Reschedule (added)
3. HoN Tour Rules - 2. Match Play (updated, must read)
3. HoN Tour Rules - 3.5. Remake and 5. Forfeits
3. HoN Tour Rules - 9. Contacting an Admin (updated, must read)
Corrected a few typos, while some parts were rewritten or completely new:
• The Format (holds more information, and links to specific rules)
• Prizes (now explains how to receive the prize money)
• How to Join HoN Tour and Play HoN Tour Matches (has basic info and directions regarding this, must read)
• Scheduling
• Teams and Player Specifics (holds most info you need regarding this, must read)
• Additional FAQs (cleaned up 'How do I contact the Admins?')
Receiving your Prize Money
All operations regarding prizes are currently on hold due to winter holidays. They will resume in the first weeks of January.
Before you become alarmed that you did not receive the tax form or the prize money yet, please be aware of the following:
1) All operations are handled manually, not automatically, and your information is first processed before the prize money is sent.
2) All operations are handled Monday - Friday, usually during USE business hours.
3) It usually takes a few days up to a week to fully process everything, sometimes longer depending on how fast you have filled out the required info and the amount of workload currently present.
4) Receiving the prize money is slow for the first Cycle and Qualifiers because of the huge amount of teams that are being processed for the first time. The prizes for the next Cycles will be sent faster as your info is already processed by then.
5) Sending an e-mail during the weekend - you will receive an answer during the week.
Please make sure you have:
1) Submitted your PayPal information correctly, in the team profile (info section).
2) The e-mail address is a valid one.
3) You have filled out the tax form correctly once received.
4) Read the 'Prizes' section from the FAQ's.
If you have any issues throughout this process please contact an admin (read '9. Contacting an Admin' from 3. HoN Tour Rules if you don't know how).
Creating new teams
Bug Status: fixed.
Bug specifics: newly created teams were restricted regarding the number of free additions (system that should not affect them).
Teams affected by this bug were fixed. All newly created teams are free to perform any number of roster changes, until they participate in their first Bronze event.
- inklin, HoN Tour Admin
5th Jan :)
Posted about 8 months ago
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