[Dmsn]AnotherDimension is a team that comes to mind when talking about struggles in HoN Tour. They’ve been labeled as a “Forever Gold” team” as they have struggled to reach the top four and qualify for Diamond Division. I got to sit down with Caspae, captain of AnotherDimension and ask him what he's planning to do in Cycle 4 and what happened in Cycles 2 and 3.
Caspae: As of the second cycle, I felt that if we played at our best that we could definitely compete in the Diamond Division. However, in 2025 we hardly scrimmed due to real life obligations, so it was very hard to consistently maintain the level of play that we achieved from time to time. Then, the fact the database was hacked and the whole cycle two moved up a week basically put us in a very rough position.
This was not just affecting you as we saw many teams forfeit this cycle due to the problems that had come forth. You said that your team was in a rough position during the shifted week of Cycle 2. What happened?
Caspae: “One person on our roster had made holiday plans for the christmas weekend and obviously wasn't going to cancel them. At that point we were forced to forfeit the winners bracket match (couldn't be rescheduled to sustain the overall schedule) and unfortunately [MlST]Team Mistral was unable to reschedule our LB match.”
That’s unfortunate, did you feel that you would of been able to take the teams on with line up at the time if you managed to play?
Caspae: “At that point I felt we could've taken both the team we would've faced in the Winners Bracket, [oo7]We Are Spies or the Loser Bracket matchup versus Mistral.”
Things couldn’t get much worse for your team I’d imagine, but in Cycle 3 your team yet again couldn’t place top four, what happened there?
Caspae: “Cycle 3 was even messier because our most veteran competitive player SmackDonald decided to quit HoN 4-5 days before the cycle started, which led to a crazy search to find a fitting 5th. Eventually I picked up someone from the new IHL; Mr`Archibald, simply to avoid dropping down to Silver Division as a result of forfeiting. We actually played it out to the WB semifinals again, as our substitute played simply amazing! But, at the same point we fell through in cycle 2, our IHL substitute moved to Spain and was playing from a crappy laptop/internet connection, where he was literally lagging out every couple minutes during the laning phase.
Did you continue playing with him at that point or how did you manage to continue without being able to add/change your roster?
Caspae: At the LB game that would put us in Diamond, we convinced SmackDonald to play one final series for us and got the bad end of the bracket by playing former Diamond team [QsQ7]QsQ 777 and with SmackDonald out of shape we got absolutely crushed.
Moving onto Cycle 4, what changes have you made to guarantee your teams success?
Caspae: "We've not only picked up Sender, but Bitchzlapped has decided to leave [vtL]Vitriolic Gaming and move in to the DmSn main roster as well!
What is it having someone like Sender on the team?
Caspae: “Sender's insights are very valuable both during drafting and in game, he’s been around in the competitive scene longer than I can remember. I think more importantly, adding these 2 players makes an entire roster that really wants to commit and play and practice actively."
Being active and playing as a group is something a lot of teams lack, recently we have started to see many teams get back into it. How have you guys been improving?
Caspae: "We've scrimmed more this week than in the whole Dec 2025 already. As such, I think we should finally be able to lose our reputation of ''Forever Gold'' and break through to Diamond, despite this probably being the toughest cycle to compete in for Gold teams. We've got rid of our main problem; inactivity!"
Many strong Diamond teams have fallen down to Gold, what is your opinion on the teams that have fallen?
Caspae: "[Pika]Pikachu forfeit dropping in, [aL]Absolute Legends being a shocker coming down and [PUDG]Dendis jungldevos who are always strong as well."
With this new roster, it’ll be interesting to see how AnotherDimension fairs in this cycle. They already have found their way through Pikachu and into the Winner’s Bracket semifinals so they sit one win away from a trip to Diamond. Best of luck to them!
The rosters for the teams affected are as follows
Another Dimension:
- Crowslaw
Caspae #1
Posted about 7 months ago
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