The games have finished and the Silver Division Champion of Cycle 6 has emerged! For the second time in HoN Tour history, [iPel]Isot Pelit wins the Silver Division finals and claims the throne. To get there, they defeated [MOG]MVP Open Group Slot in a clean 2:0.
In the earlier semi-finals, Isot Pelit defeated [BETA]Stats Matter in another clean 2:0, while MVP Open Group Slot took out the team of [AgT]Any Given Time in another 2:0.
Isot Pelit already won the Silver Division in Cycle 2, where they defeated the now Diamond Division team of [DonD]DoberOnDamp in the finals. Congrats to Isot Pelit for winning the title of Silver Division Champion once again and to all teams for (re-)entering the Gold Division next Cycle. Enjoy your winnings, Good Luck and Have Fun next Saturday!
- Blaze
We had lags :D
Posted about 6 months ago
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