By Fantasy

Despite the team-oriented approach of Heroes of Newerth, the game rises and falls with individual performances, standout superstars giving it their all on the battlefield and inside their team. This season, HoN Tour honors those stars every cycle in the manner they deserve, shining the spotlight on Most Valuable Players, the greatest games played, heroes that made the crowd go wild, as well as recognizing growth in someone as the season progresses. As the second cycle of the fourth HoN Tour season has come to a close, the polls opened up - and the results are now in.


The blast from the past hero still has it. A bit rusty coming from the bench, but still able to entertain and dazzle the crowd of HoN Tour fans. Last cycle the most entertaining hero as decided by the fans was Gladiator, this time it’s Tundra - two completely opposite heroes. With Gladiator the skillshots and splashy play ability is prevalent, striking from a distance. With Tundra, he likes to get up close and personal with his prey. Whether you charge in shoulder first, command you boar and hawk or call upon an avalanche to hold your opponent in place, Tundra likes to be in the thick of things.

That mentality of getting in and getting it down convinced the jury and the fans, giving Tundra the “Most Entertaining Hero” award for the third cycle. With that, the rough man from the Northern countries of Newerth is bursting all the bubbles of runner-up Pearl, as well as cut through the net of Arachna. Looking forward to the fourth cycle though, who can follow Gladiator and Tundra in entertaining the masses and potentially breaking the meta?

1. Tundra
2. Pearl
3. Arachna
4. Wildsoul


Now the Formless show of the Award post begins, as the carry player from compLexity Gaming had the most significant impact on the cycle. With a nomination in the Most Improved Player, Most Valuable Player and twice in the Best Individual Performance category, the American player clearly did a lot of things right in the cycle. What he did right more than anything in his “Best Individual Performance” was gathering coins. With a cycle high 933 GPM at the end of the game, Formless clearly rose above and beyond every carry player of the last couple of weeks and months in Newerth. Not only did he record that high of a number in terms of GPM, entering Nox and Imbaboy territory, but he also played an extremely smart and savy game on his Magebane. With zero deaths, 15 kills and the GPM numbers this high, he was moving around the map efficiently, making use of every farm opportunity, whether it was to farm creeps or enemy heroes.

The fact that Formless did not only get the nod for the top performance of the cycle, but also the second best performance is showing his absolute improvement and value for the eventual Cycle 3 champions of compLexity Gaming. In the end it was only the fan vote giving his Magebane the award over his Dr. Repulsor play with 20 kills flying around the map like the mad Scientist that the Doctor is.

1. [coL] Formless on Magebane against Panny’s Boys
2. [coL] Formless on Dr. Repulsor against Evil Corporation
3. [BMG] baltazar on Swiftblade against Panny’s Boys
4. [ECx] Imbaboy on Arachna against compLexity Gaming/quote]


So there begins the Formless show? Not quite. Although the compLexity Gaming carry was nominated to become the Most Improved Player of the cycle, it is Bad Monkey Gaming’s star Boxi taking home the award. As it was already mentioned in the article announcing the nominations, for a World Champion to still able and capable of improvement to the highest level is noteworthy to say the least.

During the cycle Boxi was able to improve his metrics in spectacular shape. The mid player of the Swedish BMG brand managed to eclipse both the 3.5 K+A:D mark, as well as the 400 GPM mark in his average. In Cycle 2 both numbers were average amongst his fellow competitors at best with only 2.69 K+A:D, backed up by 355.7 GPM. Now he is climbing the ranks amongst his peers with a K+A:D of 3.53, as well as 426 GPM. Those numbers were enough to impress the expert panel, while Formless was the fan favorite to take home the trophy. In the end it’s the youngster Boxi though, edging out the American and Norwegian mbrei from Evil Corporation.

1. [BMG]Boxi
2. [coL]Formless
3. [EXc]mbrei

Grand Finals - BMG vs. coL Game 1

Nothing, literally nothing beats the excitement of a high-stakes match. So it comes as no surprise that the Best Game of the Cycle as voted by the panel and by the fans was the initial match of the Grand Finals series between Bad Monkey Gaming and compLexity Gaming.

Especially the first match of the two HoN juggernauts was an instant classic with big players, great heroes and lengthy, lengthy fights. Overall the whole match nearly lasted 80 minutes and saw Formless shine on Oogie, baltazar flying around on Dr. Repulsor, `love creating space eight times and Fusen unleashing the power of the PLAGUUUUUUUUUUUU.

In the end the 80 minute battle resulted in a close scoreline, but a destroyed shrine in BMG’s base. coL then went on to also winning the second game, adding the second Diamond Division cycle of the team’s history. Ultimately two Diamond titles more than the organization could win with stars like Chessie, Moonmeander, Tralfamadore, Bkid, Peterpandam and Riser_.

1. Grand FInals - BMG vs. coL Game 1
2. Groups Day 4 - Rea vs. Mint Game 1
3. Relegation Match #2 - Myst vs. KNX


And to end this Award revelation post, we return to the Formless show. As he showed improvement, insane Magebane performances and put his team on his back for stretches in the cycle, he was one of the most impactful players of the whole cycle. Impact in this case translates into value, making Formless the Steph Curry of HoN - only difference is that he is hitting nothing but creeps and heroes, not just nothing but net.

Sidenote of this award for Formless is, that his teammate Fuzzysloth is ending up in a runner-up spot in this category once more. Last cycle he got beaten out by Fresh’s star player Probusk snatching the MVP award up, not the midlaner for compLexity Gaming has to let Formless and Imbaboy pass in the votings. For the German carry player it is the first mention in the MVP discussion, while fourth place finisher Zlapped makes his return as well. The popular streamer took third place last cycle, now dropped one slot to fourth. He, Fuzzysloth and everyone else in the Diamond Division can now plot for the fourth campaign - for the fourth chance to become an MVP player in Heroes of Newerth.

1. [coL]Formless
2. [EXc]Imbaboy
3. [coL]Fuzzysloth
4. [PBs]Zlapped