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The Variety Cup is a series of tournaments that range from Midwars to Banning Draft, having a different mode for each hosted event, with 12,000 GC total prizepool.
-Runtime: August 14th, 2025 to August 15th, 2025.
-Entry Limit: 128.
-5 v 5 (Teamplay, 5 players per team).
-Map: Midwars
-Single Elimination.
-Best of 3 Rounds
-Game Mode: Banning Pick
Sign ups deadline
Thursday, August 14 @ 10:00 EDT | 16:00 CEST or until 64 sign ups are reached. Brackets are made after this.
ALL Lobbies are +10min
All lobbies will expire 10min after start time (see schedule).
If a match is extending after start time, there will a 10min lobby for the new round.
Thursday, August 14 - BO1 RO 64 — Cancelled due to 25 sign ups RO 32 — 12:00 EDT | 18:00 CEST RO 16 — 13:00 EDT | 19:00 CEST RO 8 — 14:00 EDT | 20:00 CEST * If there's less than 64 sign ups the tournament will start with the first (partially) filled round on Thursday, August 14 - 12:00 EDT | 18:00 CEST. Empty rounds will be cancelled. Friday, August 15 - BO3 RO 4 — 12:00 EDT | 18:00 CEST Grand Finals — 15:00 EDT | 21:00 CEST
Prizepool: 12,000 Gold Coins
1st Place: 6,000 Gold Coins
2nd Place: 3,000 Gold Coins
3rd-4th Place: 1,500 Gold Coins
Prize Notes:
To receive your prize, please send a HoN Tour ticket to support.heroesofnewerth.com with the prizepool distribution.
Prizes will be sent on Monday, August 18 after 12:00 EDT | 18:00 CEST. The prize will be split evenly for the teams that have not sent the prize distribution details by then.
Last Updated 11 / 30 / 2025
Team Name Tag Points
Darlings[Drns]230 pts
The Gods[GOD]175 pts
Xeno Tavern[XT]130 pts
fatal1ty[FTYL]90 pts
Hussars[Huss]90 pts
Throes of Throws[ToT]75 pts
LaggyGamerz[LGz]38 pts
The Smurf Rapers[TSR]38 pts
Big Noobs[BN]13 pts
Kudi Buddies[Kudi]10 pts
get out of our way[GOUW]0 pts
All Freds[Fred]0 pts
Utby[Utby]0 pts
Savior of Newerth[Sav]0 pts
Garne Esports[GEGE]0 pts
Unit[HAX]0 pts
VIP Nights Watch[VIPN]0 pts
Repoooooooooooort[OoO]0 pts
Big Bux Money Crew[BUX]0 pts
atleast we tried[tawt]0 pts
Silent Division[VISD]0 pts
TeamTotalT[TTFT]0 pts
Caldavar United[5v5]0 pts