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-Runtime: January 10th, 2025 to January 18th, 2025.
-Entry Limit: 512.
-5 v 5 (Teamplay, 5 players per team).
-Map: Forests of Caldavar
-Single Elimination.
-Best of 3 Rounds
-Points and Prizing
-Game Mode: Captain's Pick
It is not enough to disable them, you need to remove all modified files and replace any corrupted files, in order to play in HoN Tour.
See Reminder to remove all mods for details and troubleshooting.
Sign ups
Any team may sign up for Bronze Events. Signs up are open until Saturday January 10, 10:00 EST | 16:00 CET or until 256 sign ups are reached. Brackets are made afterwards
Roster additions
Teams may add only 3 members per cycle, without penalty.
Prize & points
In order to see the prize & points information, please go to Prizing.
For more information, please read About section.
Saturday, January 10 RO 256 — 12:00 EST | 18:00 CET RO 128 — 15:00 EST | 21:00 CET Sunday, January 11 RO 64 — 12:00 EST | 18:00 CET RO 32 — 15:00 EST | 21:00 CET Saturday, January 17 RO 16 — 12:00 EST | 18:00 CET RO 8 — 15:00 EST | 21:00 CET Sunday, January 18 RO 4 — 12:00 EST | 18:00 CET Grand Finals— 15:00 EST | 21:00 CET *In case there's less sign ups than 256, the empty rounds will be cancelled and the tournament will start with the round that is (partially) filled with teams, on Saturday, January 10 at 12:00 EST | 18:00 CET. The updated schedule will be above.
Last Updated 11 / 30 / 2025
Team Name Tag Points
Simon n Christian[SaCf]200 pts
Danger Monkey [DMG]100 pts
File eXchange Protoc[FXP]75 pts
Zdegree[Z37]35 pts
The Saviors OfNewerh[TSNO]25 pts
fishwarriors[FW]25 pts
Smoke and Fly[SMFL]25 pts
Raging BUll[Rage]25 pts
Brazilian Bots[BrBs]25 pts
Gx Gaming Team[GxTm]25 pts
DrunkenSailors[DNRS]10 pts
Team Jeff[JEFF]0 pts
Incoming Gods[Gods]0 pts
Megaman X Bitches[MXB]0 pts
29A[29A]0 pts
Tkaczo i Banda[PLNY]0 pts
Cyber Hawks [H4wk]0 pts
los berserke[lob]0 pts
equipo linces[LINC]0 pts
FckAina[FckA]0 pts
Fox[Fox]0 pts
Arepa Socialista[ARPA]0 pts
Persian Idiots[IRIN]0 pts
EHOME[EH]0 pts
the rainbow knights[rkon]0 pts
assassins[ASN]0 pts
Disciples of HoN[dHoN]0 pts
Podkarczowka[PDK]0 pts
Tom and jerry squad[TTJS]0 pts
Glory For Persia[G4P]0 pts
Dreamteam Gaming[DTG]0 pts
SBTs Gaming[TSBT]0 pts
Dust To Dust[DTD]0 pts
Clan EFEW[EFEW]0 pts
Capsicum annuum[Cap]0 pts
Kuro and ShiroIchigo[KASI]0 pts