By RizaRose
Chis “Formless” Landwehr is the captain of compLexity Gaming’s Heroes of Newerth Team. With a solid performance in the last few months at DreamHack Summer and in the Onslaught 2, theirs is one of the few few rosters without changes for the coming Season. Returning are Keven “Babaganoush” Krajewski, Chris “WhaT_YoU_GoT” Benas, Noah “FuzzySloth” Landon, and Oscar “Oscah” Chavez.
How are you feeling about your team and the roster changes that have gone on in the other teams?
I think we have a slight advantage due to the fact that we don’t need to get used to any new members and their playstyles. I definitely believe our communication and teamplay is a lot stronger after DreamHack Summer and spending time together as a team. I think it will take some time for teams to adjust to their new members.
What do you think about the changes to HoN Tour Season 4’s format?
I like the format because best-of-two allows each team to face each other every Cycle. The new format gives Honcast the ability to cast more matches and allows players to play more matches. Newer teams entering Diamond Division from Gold have a better chance to fight for their spot in Diamond with the new format and relegation matches.
What do you think about the new Community Funded eSports Initiative, Paragon?
The Paragon avatars are a really great idea. I personally think that the Paragon collection is way cooler than the URSA Corps from HoN Tour Season 3. It's an awesome idea to add extra effects to the Paragon avatars and it's a great incentive to play plinko after getting the initial skin.
Who do you think the favorite team going into Cycle 1 is?
I believe the favorite team going into Cycle 1 is definitely Sync eSports, or whatever they're called nowadays.
Of all the teams invited to Diamond Division, compLexity is one of the only teams to have no changes to their roster - do you think this will give you an advantage in this coming season?
I believe it'll give us a small advantage against certain teams because they'll have to adjust to the comforts of the new member.
As the only team from North America to be invited to Diamond Division, do you feel any additional pressure to make all of your NA fans proud?
We've always felt a little pressured to represent North America because we've been the only high level NA team for a while now. We'll always try our best to represent NA and the burger lifestyle!
Is it difficult to compete with Oscah in South America? Are there many ping problems?
It's not difficult playing with Oscar. Even though he has high ping and constantly times out, Oscar is definitely a great addition to our team. It seems like more often than not that we'll be setting up ganks or rotations with Oscar only to notice that he's running back to base as the "Oscar has timed out" pops up on our screens.
Do you have many opportunities to meet up with your teammates outside of competitions?
I don’t have any opportunities to meet up with the five main people on our roster. But I'm actually leaving for California tomorrow and I'll see two of the ringers we use most of the time :P
If you could make your teammates into any kitchen appliance, what would they be?
WhaT_You_Got - Food Processor
Fuzzysloth - Salt Shaker
Oscah - Wooden Spoon
Babaganoush - Lemon Squeezer
[Rea]Imbaboy | [ex-Sync]iNsania | [BMG]Fusen | [Mint]cerenia | [coL]Formless

RizaRose is a student at the University of Michigan who is currently interning with Frostburn Studios. She studies Political Science and German and has also studied Creative Writing, specializing in fiction and nonfiction. In her free time she hangs out with her sorority sisters and pesters her mother for pictures of her cat.
A girl writing HoN articles, i've finally seen everything! :D
Posted about 3 years ago
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