Cycle 5 started last Saturday and both EU and US Division were busy. Sadly, due to some technical difficulties, the EU matches had to be postponed and next Saturday there is an additional round of matches to be played.

Bronze US played plenty of matches on Saturday and Sunday and have reached the semifinals already. Let's take a look at the teams who qualified and those who they defeated in the previous round.

In the first semifinals, the team of [Jane]Jane and Finch, who defeated [SPRT]Spartan Sardines, will face [Duel]Do You Even Lift Bro, who, in turn, won over [Bx3]Bloodbath N Beyond in the previous round
The second team for the finals will be decided between [BPen]Brace Your Anus and [TSPP]Team Small Plays. They defeated [FEAR]Fear and [AgT]Any Given Time in the previous round and are now burning to get into the finals.

Congrats to all mentioned teams on qualifying for Silver next Cycle and winning points and money and good luck to the semi final participants in the upcoming matches!

Bronze EU has several rounds to be played and we still have 32 teams playing in the next round. Since no one qualified for anything yet, let's just take a look at the teams and matchups.

[E18]Vandrarna vs [Fion]Feeding is our

[Novi]Novi Pirat vs [141]141

[2RdD]Too Retarded vs [Bifr]Bifrost
[GpoY]Gandalf pee on You vs [Ryss]Vodkagaming

[CP]Cro Plan vs [VOKE]Invoke Gaming
[MMv3]Midget Mafia v3 vs [S7]S7

[RFJ]Rhinos From Jupiter vs [CBag]Baguette
[KILE]kilers in hon and rh vs [TiM]This is a Team

[17]Bara tur vs [50]50 Shades of gay
[KoTH]KING OF THE HILL vs [mrNs]moraNs

[Aol]Acting on Instinct is still waiting for an opponent.
[SSSJ]SideStepSaiyans vs [aPm]APM

[T6MA]Three 6 Mafia vs [ZLFL]Zara Larsson
[snkv]Snake Vendor vs [will]Will to Win

[RTD]Rus Towerdivers vs [PGOD]Pro Gamer of Destiny

Please remember that next Saturday has an additional round, so play times are:

Round 4 : 9:00 EST | 15:00 CET
Round 5 : 12:30 EST | 18:30 CET
Round 6 : 15:30 EST | 21:30 CET

Good luck to all the teams and remember: even if you don't get any further and had some troubles last Saturday, you at least made it into the news on HoN Tour!

- Blaze